Monthly Archives :

August 2024

Anneka Lohn in conversation with Reto Ingold (Annual report of the Evidence Foundation 2023)

600 601 agroviva

Anneka Lohn in conversation with Reto Ingold about Free International Field School for Biodynamic Agriculture Wanderschule ANNEKA LOHN A few years ago we were, together with Rolf Keller, in Tunisia on Karl Keller’s date farm. That’s where I got to know you and your commitment to agriculture. Later, we met again on the same continent,…

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Czech Republic: Biodynamic Consultants’ meeting in Prague, Beginning of December 2023

1000 999 agroviva

Czech Republic: Biodynamic Consultants’ meeting in Prague, December 8-10, 2023 On the second weekend of December 2023 biodynamic experts from different European countries met in Prague, Czech Republic for a three-day conference. The event was organized by Wanderschule, a leading international school for biodynamic consulting and agriculture. The technical part of the meeting was provided…

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