
South Eastern Europe: A biodynamic peace project

446 446 agroviva

For more than 20 years Reto Ingold has been on a consulting mission in South-Eastern Europe. He has come to the sobering realisation that the biodynamic pioneers are completely focused on their contacts with purchasers in Western Europe. So far they have hardly noticed each other. He reports. The wish for a mutual meeting of…

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Date palm with fruits

Tunisia: Strengthening farmers’ self-organisation

956 960 agroviva

In Tunisia, small farmers dominate the agricultural landscape. However, they are entirely dependent on export companies. The Wanderschule supports the strengthening of smallholder structures through networking and educational opportunities so that, in addition to know-how, motivation for alliances is formed. This is an important precondition for the smallholder “groupements” to take up the biodynamic impulse…

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