Education program for future Biodynamic Advisors in Central and Eastern Europe

600 600 agroviva
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Teilnehmer des Ausbildungsprogramms für zukünftige biodynamische Berater in Mittel- und Osteuropa

In April 2022 the Czech Republic hosted a three-day seminar for future biodynamic advisors from Central and Eastern Europe. This first of four meetings is running under the umbrella, and with support of, Wanderschule.World, a leading agency in the field of biodynamic consultancy. This unique program brings together biodynamic professionals from four countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, and Lithuania. The common dream is to help farmers in our region with their biodynamic work and their transition to Demeter. With the help and supervision of Wanderschule.World we are hoping to train at least two new biodynamic advisors for every participating country. Eva Gehr and Stefan Illi from Germany, and Reto Ingold from Switzerland, were our lecturers. It was great to finally meet them and the other colleagues in person. In addition to the theoretical part, we visited farms and vineyards in the Moravia region that are currently working on their conversion plan, and watched, and participated in, the work of a biodynamic advisor. The main focus was on a 380 hectare farm, PROBIO, and its production mill. The owner, Mr. Martin Hutař, and his team showed us around and patiently answered all our detailed questions. We also visited a vinery, Krásná hora, owned by the chairman of Demeter Czech & Slovakia, Mr. Marek Vybíral, and two other farms focusing on vegetables, wheat and meat production. The next course is planned for Autumn 2022 and will be organized by our Poland colleagues, followed by two more meetings next year in Lithuania and Slovenia.
Jan Moser-Vavřička, Demeter Cesko a Slovensko

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Co-funded-by-the-EULizenzangabe des Beitrages CC-BY-NC-SA

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