Date palm with fruits

Tunisia: Strengthening farmers’ self-organisation

956 960 agroviva
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Date palm with fruits

In Tunisia, small farmers dominate the agricultural landscape. However, they are entirely dependent on export companies.

The Wanderschule supports the strengthening of smallholder structures through networking and educational opportunities so that, in addition to know-how, motivation for alliances is formed. This is an important precondition for the smallholder “groupements” to take up the biodynamic impulse and then develop it independently.

The basis of good practice are the preparations, which in Tunisia, however, are mostly imported. In order to produce them in the country itself, raw materials, stirring tanks and spraying equipment are now being purchased. The first biodynamic compost is already ready. We support the establishment of a preparation centre, which is to become an important contact point for preparation application and training and a competence centre for biodynamic agriculture in Tunisia. It still needs some time and guidance to consolidate the confidence, skills and independence of those involved.

In order to give smallholders better access to further training and biodynamic advice, we are supporting the development of a new generation of advisors. In the near future, biodynamic training and advice will be provided in the local language. A promising cooperation is emerging with a start-up of young Tunisian agronomists who offer services in organic farming. Considering the high unemployment rate of young people in the country, it is interesting to note that there is potential for new qualified jobs here. Wanderschule works with interested advisors to develop manuals, brochures, trainings and accompanies them through mentoring on their way to independent entrepreneurship. Eva Gehr

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