In the Swiss release

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EDUCATION. The “Free International Wandering School for Biodynamic Agriculture”, FIWS for short, has been in existence for several years. It offers introductory and advanced courses for farmers in non-European and selected European countries. It also trains advisors and supports the development of national organic markets and Demeter

In our organic shops and supermarkets you will find many Demeter products that come from other European countries, and often also from countries outside Europe. At present Demeter food is produced in 63 countries around the world. This means a great challenge in terms of advice and quality assurance, both in production and processing. Because in some European countries, including major ones such as Germany, the demand for demeter products has risen faster than the supply in recent years, more biodynamic agricultural products are being imported from non-European countries. It is becoming increasingly important that production is not as cheap as possible, but that the demeter quality standard is lived, practised and understood right down to the concrete situation and conditions on farms.
This is where FIWS, the Free International Wandering School for Biodynamic Agriculture, comes in. Its aim is to train and accompany farmers and key persons in enterprises and organisations in the countries of production in such a way that they gain a deeper understanding of biodynamic practice, and then, from their own access and commitment, to produce true Demeter products in a self-responsible way. To this end the FIWS offers introductory and advanced courses, organises conferences, trains consultants and supports the development of national organic markets and Demeter structures.
FIWS is currently active in Poland, Lithuania, the Balkans, Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tunisia and Argentina.
FIWS is still looking for support from foundations, but increasingly importing companies should feel responsible to enable honest and good biodynamic work in production, and also contribute financially to this.
Among the initiators of the Wandering School is a Swiss, agronomist and Demeter consultant Reto Ingold. The other founders are Stephan Illi, Herbert Völkle, Georg Meissner,
Ralf Kunert and Hans Supenkämper.

more details:
from: Schweizer Beiträge 2 |2020

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