
Free International Field School for Biodynamic Agriculture

The Idea of Wanderschule


The Wanderschule would like to enable people in the world to independently produce good and honest biodynamic products out of their own impulses, following on from the biodynamic idea. This should take place through good advice, training and further education and through the worldwide exchange of experience. It is important for us to coordinate with the buyers of the products, with the Demeter Association and the various local certification organisations.


In line with the open source idea, we want enthusiasm for biodynamics to develop and to be able to spread independently in countries adapted to regional and cultural needs.
The Wanderschule provides the necessary specialist knowledge, supports conferences and courses, trains local consultants and accompanies the development of biodynamic consulting and marketing structures in the countries.


The exchange of experiences between the cultures should enrich the further development internationally and help to bring new radiance into the biodynamic movement.

New faces – Portraits of young consultants
538 540 agroviva

January 2024: The fifth and final meeting of the biodynamic training meetings of the EU-project „Capacity Building in Biodynamic Training and Consultancy“ took place in Germany.

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„Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.“

Co-funded-by-the-EU_POSLizenzangabe des Beitrages CC-BY-NC-SA

Our Projects

Capacity building in Biodynamic Training and consultancy

Capacity building by training of local advisors, trainers, multipliers and leading personnel of Biodynamic associations in the participating organizations of Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Czechia under the lead of Wanderschule.

In on-spot learning participants improve their capacities to guide interested projects through the conversion phase to Biodynamic agriculture. Our innovative concept incorporates that all participants join farm visits and conversion consultancy in the five participating countries. In on farm trainings and on-the-job-mentoring they get a deep understanding and overview of the whole biodynamic principles and how to use them for the benefit of an ecosystem.

Our Projects

Capacity building in Biodynamic Training and consultancy

Capacity building by training of local advisors, trainers, multipliers and leading personnel of Biodynamic associations in the participating organizations of Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Czechia under the lead of Wanderschule.

In on-spot learning participants improve their capacities to guide interested projects through the conversion phase to Biodynamic agriculture. Our innovative concept incorporates that all participants join farm visits and conversion consultancy in the five participating countries. In on farm trainings and on-the-job-mentoring they get a deep understanding and overview of the whole biodynamic principles and how to use them for the benefit of an ecosystem.

„Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.“

New faces – Portraits of young consultants
538 540 agroviva

January 2024: The fifth and final meeting of the biodynamic training meetings of the EU-project „Capacity Building in Biodynamic Training and Consultancy“ took place in Germany.

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Lizenzangabe des Beitrages CC-BY-NC-SA

Press Release

Initiatives and People

An incredible diversity of cultures, natural areas and people revealed …
Reto Ingold

Agriculture in Turkey
Newsletter of Biodynamic Federation Demeter International APRIL 2021
900 900 agroviva

Tune In The Rhythms Of Cosmos, Nature And Life HOW TO WORK WITH THE BIODYNAMIC SOWING CALENDAR Since we started working on the Agricultural Course at the RUMI Centre on Arzu Duran’s farm near Istanbul in 2019, an ever growing group of people has come together to share their interest in the biodynamic work. There are currently…

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Mahle Report 2018
633 634 agroviva

PROJECT FOCUS AGRICULTURE & NUTRITION The Free International Wandering School of Biodynamic Agri-Culture has made it its goal to bring Demeter agriculture into the world – free of charge and without economic interests. “Sales of Demeter products in Germany and other European countries have risen significantly in recent years, while domestic production has almost stagnated.…

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In the Swiss release
900 900 agroviva

EDUCATION. The “Free International Wandering School for Biodynamic Agriculture”, FIWS for short, has been in existence for several years. It offers introductory and advanced courses for farmers in non-European and selected European countries. It also trains advisors and supports the development of national organic markets and Demeter structures. In our organic shops and supermarkets you…

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Biodynamic Wine Conference in South Africa
374 374 agroviva

Biodynamic newsletter worldwide – October 2018 When the five-year drought in South Africa ended, the farm of Reyneke Wines in Stellenbosch hosted a two day Biodynamic Wine Conference in mid-June 2018 with guest lecturer Dr. Georg Meissner from the Free Wanderschule. After the hottest and driest summer 2017/2018 ever recorded, the rain poured down in…

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2nd Deepening Workshop in Turkey
329 329 agroviva

As part of FIWS (Free International Wandering School for Biodynamic Agricultural Culture) training program, Arzu Duran from DEMETER Turkey organised the second course on her farm west of Istanbul. Photo gallery Workshop Turkey Biodynamic farming in Turkey There Arzu has built a beautiful hall with some side rooms, even a tower-room, from where you have…

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Printed as a Book …

Experience the longing for the width of the ocean
329 329 agroviva

by Hans Supenkämper

In this picture book I try to express and make visible something of one of my “Guidelines”, something that lives, so to say, between the lines, in the eyes and hearts, in the ideas and intentions of the people, in the moods of the landscape, in the elements.

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Yusuf’s Rose Garden
423 423 agroviva

by Hans Supenkämper

In Turkey I came across Yusuf and Kenan Aydin’s farm where roses are cultivated for essential oil. Having seen many other rose fields in many other countries, it was very clear that these roses from the small rose village of Ardicli were the very best I had experienced. Fortunately, Yusuf can speak German because he lived with his family in Cologne for many years. So we were able to communicate and exchange in German. 

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We are farmers, agricultural engineers, lecturers and researchers ...

Supporters of Wanderschule

A heartfelt thank you to our supporters and partners in public institutions, foundations and companies who make our trainings and networking possible!

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As a non-profit organization, we do not work for profit and rely on contributions from members or third parties. You can support us with donations or with a membership in our association. You will find our constitution of association and a declaration of membership as a download as a PDF. Please provide your full address for transfers, so that we can send you a donation receipt.

donation account
Biodynamic Field Works gGmbH
IBAN DE61 5003 1000 1068 4600 06

Donation via PayPal